
Getting ready for Autumn

Preparándonos para el Otoño

September is a transition month, a bridge that takes us from warm and sunny summer to autumn, with its reddish-hued leaves and cooler temperatures. As we say goodbye to long days and beach getaways, it is crucial to prepare ourselves both physically and mentally for the new season. In this article, we will explore a series of health and wellness tips designed to help you make this transition in a smooth, healthy, and above all efficient manner. We will explore 5 aspects of this transition and how we can work on each of them; (1) Immunity, (2) Nutrition, (3) Exercise, (4) Care, and (5) Mental.

Woman with a cold

1. Strengthen your immunity

With the arrival of autumn, seasonal colds and flu also arrive. Strengthening your immune system is essential to staying healthy during this time of year. But there are some ways to help our immune system during this time:

  • Balanced diet: Make sure you eat a diet rich in vitamins, incorporating a variety of fruits and vegetables, especially those loaded with vitamin C (oranges, kiwis, strawberries, spinach, broccoli, asparagus and peppers).

  • Supplements: Consider taking vitamin supplements to support your system with the proper intake of vitamins and minerals. It is important to choose quality supplements that fit into our daily routine. Our natural supplement designed to strengthen our immune system, Ganbatte Boost, is very easy to incorporate into our routine every morning.

  • Regular exercise: Staying active is essential for overall health. Exercise can help boost the immune system and reduce the risk of disease. We'll talk more about the importance of staying active in point 3.

  • Adequate rest: Don't underestimate the importance of sleep and rest. Make sure you're not only getting enough sleep, as proper rest is crucial for immune function, but that your sleep is quality. Our Ganbatte Recharge supplement is the perfect ally to ensure optimal rest and recovery both physically and mentally.

2. Healthy Recipes with Seasonal Ingredients

Fall brings with it a variety of delicious seasonal ingredients that can add flavor and nutrition to your diet. Here are some healthy recipes you can try:

  • Pumpkin Soup: Pumpkin is a versatile and nutritious fall vegetable.

Pumpkin Puree Recipe

  • Apple Walnut Salad: Fresh apples and walnuts are abundant in the fall.

Apple and Walnut Salad Recipe

3. Exercise: Stay Motivated

With temperatures dropping and days getting shorter, it can be tempting to stay indoors instead of exercising. However, maintaining an exercise routine is essential for your health and well-being. And remember, doing something is always better! than doing nothing! Here are some tips to keep you motivated and master the fall:

  • Find an exercise buddy: Exercising with a friend or family member can be more fun and motivating.

  • Explore indoor activities: If you prefer to avoid the cold, consider signing up for indoor yoga or dance classes, or investing in home exercise equipment.

  • Set clear goals: Define specific fitness goals and track your progress. Celebrating your achievements can be a great source of motivation.

  • 10 minutes is better than nothing: It's easy to put off exercise due to lack of time. However, it's essential to remember that even dedicating just 10 minutes a day to physical activity can make a huge difference to your health and well-being.

Home Exercise Routine

4. Take care of your skin and hair in autumn

The change of season can also affect the health of your skin and hair. Our skin looks drier and tighter, and our hair starts to fall out and lose its natural shine. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to three key factors:

  • Hydration: The colder, drier air of autumn can dry out your skin. Use a quality moisturiser morning and night to keep your skin soft and healthy. And remember that hydrating from within is just as important for your skin – drink at least 1.5 litres of water a day. If you struggle to get to that level of water, incorporate herbal teas and broths on colder days to make drinking water seem more appealing.

  • Sun protection: Even though the days are shorter, sun exposure can still damage your skin. Continue to use sunscreen, especially if you spend time outdoors. Incorporate it into your routine along with your moisturizer each morning.

Sun protection myth

"Sun protection" fact: Image taken from MedinePlus online magazine

  • Hair Care: Wind and humidity can wreak havoc on your mane. Consider using natural hair treatments to moisturize your hair, such as coconut or argan oil. Avoid going outside with wet hair or sleeping with damp hair.

5. Take care of your mental health and emotional balance

Autumn can also have an impact on mental health, as the decrease in sunlight and the return to daily routine can generate stress and melancholy. That is why it is important to incorporate activities into your daily routine that allow you to take care of your emotional well-being. There are many strategies that can be incorporated into your routine, some of which are:

  • Meditation and mindfulness: Practicing meditation and mindfulness can help you reduce stress and improve your mood.

  • Going outdoors: Take advantage of the sunny autumn days to go for walks in nature. Contact with nature can be rejuvenating and beneficial for your mental health.

  • Social Connections: Stay in touch with friends and family. Social relationships are essential for emotional well-being.

  • Time for yourself: Spend time doing activities that make you happy, whether it's reading, painting, cooking, or any other activity you enjoy.

"Me time" alarm

The transition to fall can be a difficult time for many people. By strengthening your immune system, enjoying delicious seasonal recipes, maintaining your exercise routines, and taking care of your skin, hair, and mental health, you can enjoy this season to the fullest. Get ready for fall and make the most of this colorful season!

Written by Ana Saiz

Co-founder of Ganbatte Superfoods

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Carmen Mayorga

Carmen Mayorga

Me parece muy instructivo y saludable, por lo que voy a intentar cumplirlo.



Interesante. Voy a intentar seguirlo.

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